About Australian Shepherd

Watching an Australian Shepherd round up a flock of sheep is a beautiful sight. With sure and athletic movement he directs the flock using nips, barks and eye a penetrating stare that clearly says “I am in charge.” Intelligent hard working and versatile the Aussie is a no nonsense dog who thrives in a home where his brains and energy are put to good use. You don’t have to keep a flock of sheep if you live with an Aussie although it doesn’t hurt but you do have to keep him busy. He is a high energy dog who doesn’t know the meaning of couch potato and wouldn’t approve of it if he did. Because he is got energy to burn he needs plenty of exercise a walk around the neighborhood won’t cut it and at least a small yard to help him work out his ya yas. Lacking a job to do he becomes bored, destructive and loud. Or he might invent his own job herding the kids either yours or the neighbors chasing cars or other animals or taking your house apart. If you don’t have the time or energy to train and exercise the Aussie on a daily basis he is not the breed for you. But if you are interested in competitive dog sports the Aussie is the one. This agile  medium size dog with the docked or naturally bobbed tail is a top contender in all levels of obedience, agility, flyball, and herding tests. He is also successful in such canine careers as guide dog, hearing dog, assistance dog, police dog and search and rescue work. You can even teach an Aussie to help you with chores around the house, such as picking up dirty laundry off the floor and bringing it to you. You Will probably have to fold clean laundry yourself though. The Aussie is a real looker who stands out from the crowd thanks to his attractive medium length coat and dark brown, yellow, blue, green, or amber eyes. His heritage as a working dog makes him a loyal companion who can be protective of home and family and aloof with strangers. He gets along with kids, although he will probably try to “herd” them unless you teach him not to. The Aussie makes life an adventure. He will work and play from sunrise to sunset and win your heart with his loyal and loving personality. This versatile breed is a wonderful working dog and a terrific family companion but only if that family is an active one.


Thank you for visiting our website. I am called Richard Henderson. The Richard family are the owners of Majestic Australian Shepherd. We have been breeding this lovely breed dogs since 2013. My wife and I are pet lovers so we took up the initiative to breed these lovely dog breed to satisfy the needs of families who will want to own or add a new member to their family. My knowledge about the Australian Shepherds  has grown as the years go by as they are a dog breed that are very smart and make us to learn new things everyday. My history with owning a puppy goes right back to my Christmas holidays when I was 10 years old. My parents bought me a lovely Australian Shepherds puppy which I named Rosie. Rosie gave me a lot of childhood memories when I was growing as a teen. She was more than a best friend to me. She was so lovely and friendly. Each time I got angry back then about something, Rosiewas always there to console me and make me smile again. I always thought she could talk as she understood me so much. I always speak to her at times hoping she will respond. Everywhere I went to, Rosie was with me. I met my wife in college. We were very good friends back then. She loved Rosie until she insisted her parents should get her a Australian Shepherds puppy. That was how our love for this Intelligent  dog breed grew up. Our dogs use to play together. Unfortunately in our later years at college, I lost my lovely puppy Rosie. We grew up loving each other so much and loving this dog breed. Later on, we got married and with our love for Australian Shepherds. We decided to breed and raise this dog breed and why not educate puppy lovers about the importance of owning a Australian Shepherds. Fast forward to today, my wife and I raise our 3 kids and breed the Puppies on our 3 acres of land where our puppies have enough space to play around. My family and I are dedicated to help everyone own the perfect, healthy puppy for their home. With our knowledge of this dog breed from childhood, we will say Australian Shepherds are the best dogs to own. We spend our time in training these puppies and making sure we help families own the most intelligent of this dog breed. If you want a family loving and good training dog then you have come to the right place. Visit our available puppies page to see our amazing puppies available for their new homes.